13th Annual Havasu Ballon Fest 2024 |
RZR Raffle 2019 |
Save the Dates for the 10th Annual Havasu Balloon Festival |
41st Annual London Bridge Rotary Invitational Track Meet |
2017 Razor RaffleGet your tickets to the 2017 London Bridge Rotary Razor Raffle. All proceeds go to our Adopt A Family event! Ask a Rotarian for your ticket today!! ![]() |
Our New President
COLLBREF updated Application process.![]() STUDY IN LONDON THIS SUMMER! ... Scholarship paid by London Bridge Rotary Club.
First Application deadline - Dec 30, 2018. Contact information, below. |
Annual Adopt-a-Family Shopping Dec 2016London Bridge Rotary Club helps families in need at Christmas. For over 20 years, the London Bridge Rotary Club, has been fortunate enough to help Havasu’s local needy families during the holidays, with their Adopt-A-Family Christmas program. The Rotary Club raised $12,000 at the club’s Harley Raffle Event this year, which will fund the 2016 program. A special “Thank You” to all who participated in the Harley Raffle. The Salvation Army recently provided the club with the names of 19 families and 50 children for Adapt-A-Family. Rotary Club members manage the whole process from start to delivery. Members raise the funds. They shop at Walmart and JC Penney for toys and clothing for all the children. They wrap the presents and deliver them to each family along with gift certificates to Walmart and Safeway, in addition to the Christmas Dinner supplied by the Salvation Army. Pictured here is the beginning of this years’ shopping spree. (12.6.16 @ Walmart) |
#46 Coin - Sales to Begin Saturday, October 29, 2016![]() Rotarians who have not already done so should attend the October 26 meeting and pick up their coin supply as well as verify their parade site assignments.
Those members who have not picked up their supply of coins to be sold should stop by the LBR Rotary tent in the parking lot at Mohave State Bank no later than 8:00 AM Saturday.
October 19 Meeting Highlights![]() - Students of the Month (and family) - Thank you's to Havasu BalloonFest Sponsors - Havasu Regional Medical Center - Happy Bucks Hamilton - Ray Lange returns, just in time to sell parade coins! - Maryanne Schulte recognized by District Governor - District Governor Danny Messersmith gives update on District goals. |
AG Wins in Las Vegas![]() |
Celebration of Life Set for Lyle Dulac |
Makeup Meeting Documented![]() |
Havasu Stick'em - Saturday, August 6![]() Please share the information with families you know.
Ms. Havasu Senior 2015 Visits Club![]() During announcements, Jeanie was allowed to introduce Christine Simmons, who is a Ms. Havasu Senior Pageant Co-Chair this year. A contestant in the 2015 pageant, Christine enjoyed participating in the event so much that she is visiting clubs and organizations with Pinky to encourage women over the age of 65 to apply to be contestants in the 2016 pageant which will be held September 11. She encouraged business owners and managers present to be pageant sponsors. The pageant is a major fundraiser for Havasu Community Health Foundation. She also encouraged all to attend and enjoy being delightfully entertained by some of Lake Havasu's very special seniors.
Pinky shared some highlights of her experience in 2015 and also encouraged the club members to help solicit contestants for this year's pageant. The winning contestant will get to name a local charity to receive $1,000 from the pageant proceeds.
May 11 Meeting Highlights![]() Students of the Month were present with their proud families at the May 11 meeting, which was one of the best of the 2015-16 Rotary Year.
Our 21st Club President, Joe Hazlett, shared memories of his year of service.
Mike Eigenbrodt, CEO from Interagency, spoke about highlights of the great work accomplished in our community through the agency. He shared some personal adventures he has experienced in his job. His stories of the homeless in our community were very compelling.
April 23-24 Coin Sales Report![]() |
April 16-17 Coin Sales Results |
February 24 Business Meeting Highlights![]() Lois Heath is counting down the number of business meetings where she will be sharing board meeting minutes as she is off to PETS March 4-5 to get ready for her year of serving as our Club President which, will begin July 1.
February 27-28 Coin Sales Results![]() |
Coin Sales Assignments Through Easter![]() |
Coin Shack Upgrades![]() The new awning provides some inviting shade to tourists (and other prospective coin customers).
Thanks to Ed Weber for getting the awning installed so quickly once the funds for the improvement were authorized.
The new wheels recently installed on the coin cart make it easier for Rotarians to maneuver the coin display cart in and out of our building. Thanks to Gary Kellogg for the labor he put into this much-needed enhancement.
The Rotary Foundation - Highlighted February 3 Meeting![]() A visiting Rotarian presented her club's flag to President Gary
John Parrott reflected on his second term as President of our club. He invited Sandy Weber to be his guest and honored her for her dedication and hard work in co-chairing the club's last Adopt-A-Family Dinner before we switched to holding the Razr Raffle to gather funds for our Adopt-A-Family project.
Weekend Coin Sales Results |
38th Annual Invitational Track Meet - March 26, 2016![]() For track meet scheduling information, call Phil Hatch at (928) 486-8328 or to send him an e-mail message, CLICK HERE.
For general information about the track meet, CLICK HERE to send an e-mail to Tom Kirchner or call him at (928) 716-3499.
2016-17 Officers Elected at December 9 MeetingPresident 2016-17 - Lois Heath
President-Elect - Gail Malay
Vice President - Don Klostermeier
Secretary - Tania Sobchuk
Treasurer - Maryanne Schulte
Past President - Gary Gray
Ed Weber - Coin Chair January 1, 2016 through December 31, 2016
Upcoming Coin Sales Assignments![]() |
Interact - Sole Hope Project![]() Shown working on a "Sole Hope" project, they will make a big difference for Ugandan children.
November 18 Meeting Highlights![]() |
Upcoming Coin Sales Assignments![]() |
Report of Recent Coin Sales![]() |
Top Guns - Parade Day Sales![]() Top sales for the day were turned in by Gary Hettick with a staggering total of $3,678.94. Tom Kirchner was second with $2,010.
Coin Chair, Scott Newbanks, had sales totalling $1,040.
Ken Moyer turned in $580.00.
Shane Delaney was close behine Ken with total sales of $561.00. He had a sales partner.
October 21 Meeting Highlights![]() Ed Weber showed the information card to be given out when selling coins going forward. It has information about the history of the London Bridge and our new coin. The QR code printed on the card can be scanned to direct those who use that technology to our coin sales website.
Our website will be clearly shown as a source of reference, so that anyone wishing to check out earlier coins can do so on-line.
45th Coin Sales Began October 31 |
Weekly Coin Sales Report |
Kelly Ward Provides Legislative Update![]() |
Students of the Month![]() |
Date of Next RLI Sessions Set![]() There are a series of three one-day sessions, which are offered in various locations throughout our state. All three sessions are offered at each scheduled event, allowing Rotarians scheduled for any of the sessions in the series to travel to RLI together. CLICK HERE to download a registration form.
Changing of the Guard - Saturday, June 20![]() AG Doug Browning will be the featured speaker and 2015-16 officers and directors will be inducted.
Community Service Project at Rotary Park![]() |
Weekend Coin Sales ReportThere was no envelope left in the briefcase in for coin sales for the 11-1 Shift Saturday, May 30. John Parrott and Ken Konold reported $40 in coin sales during their May 31 shift.
May 20 Meeting Highlights![]() |
Coin Sales Assignments - May 30 - June 28![]() |
May 13, 2015 Meeting Highlights![]() A proud parent watches as her Student-of-the-month son tells the club about his high school activities and future plans.
Next Four Weeks of Coin Sales Assignments![]() If you are scheduled to sell and have a conflict, it is your responsibility to find a club member who will cover your shift for you in order to avoid being charged a "no show" penalty.
Coin Sales Results May16-17![]() |
Upcoming Coin Sales Shift Assignments |
Weekly Coin Sales Results![]() |
Carlos Ruiz reports being stalked...![]() |
Cindy Dione - Permanent Badge Celebration![]() |
Correction -We apologize for the error in reporting of coin sales results in last week's bulletin. Nick Wolfe and Gary Hettick were incorrectly credited with $373.00 in sales which were made by Suzanne Ballard and Doug Hardy on April 26 from 11:00-3:00.
Upcoming Coin Sales Shift Assignments |
Weekly Coin Sales Report |
5th Wednesday Mixer Highlights![]() |
Thunderbolt Interact Member Elected to State/District Position![]() |
April 22, 2015 Business Meeting Highlights![]() At the April 22, 2015 business meeting, Rotarians enjoyed some fun and fellowship during the Sgt. At Arms program.
Who's Brave Enough to Hike the Grand Canyon?![]() |
Upcoming Coin Sales Assignments![]() |
Weekly Coin Sales Report![]() |
Coin Sales Shift Assignments Through May17![]() |
Weekly Coin Sales Update![]() |
April 15, 2015 Meeting Highlightrs![]() |
April 8 Meeting HighlightsRotarians enjoyed presentations from the Students of the Month, as well as the Constitution Day Program.
![]() |
Coin Sales Shift Assignments Through May 10![]() |
Coin Sales Update![]() |
LBR Fools Gather at Javelina Cantina for April 1 Meeting![]() |
Report of Recent Coin Sales![]() |
Coin Sales Schedule Through May 3![]() |
5th Wednesday Mixer - Montana Steak House![]() |
37th Annual Track Meet Highlights![]() Participants and volunteers alike were treated to a beautiful day enjoying the view from the athletic field and stands while seeing outstanding young athletes put forth their best effort as they competed in the meet.
Hosting this annual meet is one of the London Bridge Rotary Club's favorite traditions.
Above and Beyond - and Still Smiling![]() Cindy volunteered to sell during this unique opportunity even though she also had worked at the invitational track meet at Thunderbolt Middle School along with her fellow-Rotarians. Gary Meyers had made the club aware of the opportunity at the Brown Bag lunch on March 25, and Cindy, with her typical enthusiasm, readily volunteered.
Gary, Joey & Cindy - Thanks for going above and beyond!
Four Weeks of Coin Sales Scheduling Assignments![]() |
March 25, 2015 Brown Bag Meeting at Rotary Park![]() |
March 18 Meeting Highlights![]() Fire Chief, Dennis Mueller's program highlighted a innovative, collaborative partnership of Havasu Regional Medical Center and our local fire department.
Coin Sales Schedule for Next Four Weeks![]() |
Weekend Coin Sales Results![]() |
April 1, 2015 Meeting at Javelina Cantina - REALLY!![]() |
March 11, 2015 Meeting Highlights![]() A proud papa is shown taking a photo of another outstanding student of the month.
Rotarians enjoyed an update on the Micro Credit project, which our club has participated in funding in recent years, and which President, Lisa has been involved as a committee volunteer.
Open World Delegation Visits Lake Havasu![]() |
Coin Sales Results Weekend of March 14-15![]() |
Coin Sales Schedule March 21 through April 12![]() You will note some changes over what has been published previously. The on-line schedule has also been updated. PLEASE check it out!
If you are unable to sell when you are scheduled, it is your responsibility to find a Rotarian to sell in your place. The $75.00 "no-show" fee is charged to the Rotarian scheduled to sell.
Harley Night Photo Highlights![]() |
Member Mixer![]() |
Upcoming Coin Sales AssignmentsIt is each Rotarian's responsibility to find their own Rotarian replacement to cover a coin sales shift where they have a conflict. A "no-show" will result in a $75.00 fine for the assigned Rotarian. Jeanie will be working on the coin schedule to fill vacancies created by members on leave of absence, resignations, etc. Please review the entire schedule posted on the club website and notify her by Sunday, March 15, if you note that you have a scheduling conflict on the currently posted schedule, and she will try to resolve your problem in the revised schedule. Her e-mail address is
![]() |
March 4 2015 Meeting Highlights![]() |
Weekend Coin Sales Report![]() |
Our Club's Longest and Envied Fundraising Tradition![]() |
Brown Bag at Rotary Park March 25![]() The March 25 club meeting will be held at Rotary Park. Gary Gray will arrive early to secure a Ramada so we will have seating and shade.
February 19 Meeting Highlights![]() Gail does her Vocational talk.
Blondie tells us how to stay healthy and avoid the flu. Scott presents Heather a Thank You set of 2015 coins.
Gordon Bjorg, looking healthy, buys a DOZEN Harley tickets... AGAIN!
Shane announces upcoming coin sales schedule.
Two Hams run the Sergeant program.
Tom Kirchner runs the raffle.
LBR Rotary Foursome at Monday Club's Golf Tournament?![]() The Monday club (LHC Rotary) is having its annual golf tourney on March 14th at the Refuge.
The course looks great and is playing well. 9:30 am check in, Shotgun start 11 am. $135 each, includes plenty of food, drink and prize money.
Save the Date!Saturday, June 20, 2015 will be the "Changing of the Guard" London Bridge Rotary Club Installation Banquet at Shugrue's Bridgeview Room
Upcoming Coin Sales Through March 22It is each listed Rotarian's responsibility to find a Rotarian substitute to cover any assigned coin sales shift they are unable to cover. Go to the club website to find you assignments through June of this year
![]() |
February 11 Meeting Highlights![]() Hannah and Chuck were honored as February Seniors of the Month.
A great promotional opportunity was shared with the club. Brian and Lisa F. were glad to pay Happy Bucks to share some good news. Lois Heath gave a vocational presentation.
Copy of Weekly Coin Sales Update![]() |
Weekly Coin Sales Update![]() |
Upcoming Coin Sales AssignmentsIt is each listed member's responsibility to find a Rotarian to cover their shift if they are unable to do so themselves.
![]() |
Harley Night is Almost Here!!!![]() Reverse drawing, plenty of suspense. TOO MUCH FUN! Be there!!!
To get your tickets or to help sell tickets, contact John Parrott (928)486-1193 or Anthony Marr at (928)486-6277.
Full Throttle Harley Raffle Set for Saturday, March 7![]() |
Weekly Coin Sales ReportThere was only one envelope left from coin sales at the bridge when Nick went to pick up and process the coin sales proceeds. Jerry Ernst and Lois Heath sold $172.00. It seems doubtful that there were six "no-shows," but it is possible Rotarians showed up to sell, but were locked out of the coin shack. If this should happen to you, the Visitor Center has a key which can be used to enter the shack, but the key MUST BE RETURNED immediately to the visitor center so it will be available the next time it is needed.
The Problem of Human Trafficking Addressed by Rotarians in AZ![]() He provided handouts showing action that has been taken and is on-going taken by Arizona Rotarians to combat the problem. The photo shows contact information for those who missed the meeting.
Video Highlights of Bob Moreno/Interact Trip to Mexico![]() |
Next Four Weeks of Coin Sales AssignmentsIt is each listed member's responsibility to find a Rotarian to cover their shift if they are unable to do so themselves.
![]() |
Coin Sales Update![]() |
Weekly Coin Sales Report![]() |
36th Annual London Bridge Rotary Invitational Track Meet![]() Working at the meet is one of the duties of membership club members agree to when they are inducted as members into the club.
Highlights of January 21, 2015 Meeting![]() |
Havasu Island Balloon Fest![]() Local and visiting members of 2 great international service organizations plus hundreds of community volunteers plus perfect weather equals our best festival, yet! Thanks to the planning committee of local Lion and Rotarian leaders and all who worked at the festival!
JTED Update![]() |
Students of the Month![]() |
Coming Up - A Weekend of Rotary Service![]() It's time for us all to put our Rotary shirts on and put forth our best effort to make this year's Balloonfest memorable for all who visit the event and enable local Rotary and Lions Clubs give back to our community.
HRMC's Patient Family Advisory Board![]() Aphreikah Duhaney and Brigid Stevens are shown with President Lisa following their January 7, 2014 presentation describing Havasu Regional Medical Center's Patient-Family Advisory Board.
Service Above Self - A lifetime of giving![]() CLICK HERE to see a video recently prepared by Gary Meyers to document highlights from Bob Moreno's lifetime of giving. Bob - you inspire all of your Rotary friends!
Coin Sales for Past Week![]() |
Tribute to one of The Greatest Generation![]() To view a photo tribute to Mel, visit
Coin Committee Needs InputThe Coin Committee is seeking input for a theme for the 2015-16 commemorative coin. Members are encouraged to think about historic events that would have emotional and visual appeal not only to us, but to the many visitors to Lake Havasu.
December 17 Christmas Auction![]() |
Ghosts of Christmas Raffles Past![]() Memories of
Mel's Christmas Raffles
past will be on all our minds
as we enjoy our first
Christmas Auction.
Fill your wallet and bring
guests with you today
and be prepared to
spend some $$$$
Tax Credit DonationsDon't forget, before year end, to direct some of your Arizona State Tax obligation by making allowable tax credit donations to our local schools, The Rotary Vocational Fund of Arizona, River Cities United Way, etc.
Help Needed for Interact Trip to MexicoDan Mathews has requested help from local Rotarians. 23 Interact students are going to Mexico this weekend and they only have one passenger van with 14 seats. Anyone with resources for a van should contact Dan at Mohave State Bank. He is also collecting blankets to deliver to the needy in the community they will be visiting in Mexico. Old suitcases to carry the blankets in would also be helpful. Those items can be dropped at Mohave State bank. Theresa Crowell, has let us know KMart has blankets on sale for $2.99.
Upcoming Coin Sales Assignments![]() |
December 10 Meeting![]() December 10 Meeting
Thoughts from
the heart
Coin Sales Weekend of December 13-14![]() |
Shane Delaney Shared His Ethics Story![]() Shane shared a story about how proud he was to work through a situation where an insurance company paid a death claim following a tragic car accident. The company legally could have avoided paying the claim since the policy on the life of the accident victim, a young mother, had lapsed.
All London Bridge Rotarians are asked to be preapred to tell their own "ethics" story.
Tom Kirchner - Temporary Raffle Duty![]() The club is missing their raffle chair. Mel Deluca is not feeling well, and was back in the emergency room since our last meeting. Tom Kirchner reluctantly filled in for Mel to sell raffle tickets and manage the drawing, but we all know no one can do it like our permanent Raffle Chair. Members are asked to keep Mel in their thoughts and prayers and to take time to let him know we are thinking of him.
Adopt-A-Family 2014![]() London Bridge Rotarians and their enlisted family members shopped for their assigned families at WalMart and JCPenney Monday evening, December 8. Thank you, Lisa Fuhrman, for coordinating the shopping spree and Salvation Army for screening the families.
December 6 Rotary Christmas Party![]() Members of the London Bridge and Lake Havasu Sunrise Rotary Clubs and their guests who attended the joint Christmas Party Saturday, December 6, at the home of Rotarian, Dean Barlow, were treated to a very enjoyable evening. The food, catered by Barley Brothers was outstanding. The atmosphere, in a home designed for entertaining, was most enjoyable. Everyone seemed to enjoy the opportunity to have time to relax and enjoy being together. The white elephant gift raffle created an entertaining activity that involved everyone. Thank you, LBR Social Chairperson and Greeter Extraordinaire, Cindy Dione!
Top Weekend Coin Sales Honored![]() Lois Heath was recognized at the November 19 club meeting for sales totaling $805.00 during her November 1 coin sales shift.
Christmas Auction Coming![]() Coming soon!! - A Christmas auction with Mel (hopefully) serving as one of Santa's elves. Mel's not feeling so well these days. Please send him your well wishes!
Ethics Initiative - Personal Story Related![]() |
Holiday Party Plans Announced![]() Santa's helpers, Cindy Dione and Don Klostermeier announce the upcoming Christmas party to be held jointly with the Lake Havasu Sunrise Rotary Club at the home of Dean Barlow on Saturday, December 6.
Family of Rotary - Memorial Service AnnouncedServices for Gerilyn Hardy will be this Saturday December 6th at 10:00 AM @ Leitz Fraze Mortuary, with a reception to follow in Shurgue's Bridgeview Room.
Please try and attend the services to support fellow Rotarian Doug Hardy.
Adopt-A-Family - Your help needed!Dear Fellow Rotarians!
The CHILDREN need your help, we need shoppers for our Adopt A Family Program!
Please consider helping this year we have enough funds to shop for 50 children, wow that's a lot of shopping that's why we need many many hands to help!
The dates we are looking at are either Monday the 8th of December at 5PM or Wednesday the 10th of December at 5:00 PM.
Please respond via email by this Wednesday the 3rd of December and your choice of date a majority wins the date!
Thank you for helping us. The CHILDREN will be very grateful as will I!
Best Regards,
Lisa Fuhrman AAF Chair
November 12 Speaker - Dr. Fadi Atassi![]() Cardiologist, Dr. Atassi speaks about heart health. Best way to stay healthy? - "Diet and exercise." Worst part of his job? - "Government guidelines are annoying and make you do a procedure you don't want to do."
Rotary Ethics InitiativeIntegrity: "To do the same alone, as when deeds are known."
Be prepared! You may be asked to share a personal story about integrity.
Mike Patterson Transfers to London Bridge Rotary![]() |
Students of the Month![]() Super Students, Alexis Cook and Austin Troyer, brought smiles to their mother's faces while being honored by the London Bridge Rotary Club. Both students awed members with their accomplishments to date and their plans for the future.
What About Bob?Bob Lueras was celebrating his birthday at our November 12 meeting, but the announcement of his birthday was not in the Granite Gab.
THIS COULD HAPPEN TO YOU! Have you signed into the Club Website and edited your personal information? The information there is what your Gab editor relies on.
![]() |
First Responders Honored at November 5 Club Meeting![]() Lake Havasu City Police Chief, Dan Doyle, Fire Chief, Dennis Mueller and Tim Maple, who works emergency medical response and serves as President of the Firefighters Charities were honored for their service with colorized coins, and were each given coins to be given as "challenge" coins to those who have gone above and beyond in carrying out their duties to serve our community. Click on this link to see a short video of the presentation:
London Bridge Rotary to Support Ethics Initiative![]() London Bridge Rotary will seek a Special “Light Up Rotary” Club Recognition at the 2015 District Conference. All members are being asked to compile a specific story on themselves, or a person they know who exemplifies the highest ethical standards in our community, and be ready to present their story to the club. Once each month, the club meeting will include these stories as part of the "Rotary Moment" at club meetings. The club will recognize an Ethical Community Member of the Year.
Visiting Rotarians![]() London Bridge Rotarians enjoyed a visit from PDG Gordon and Carol from Madera, California.
Winning Parade Entry AnnouncedRotarian, Cindy Dione enthusiastically announced the presence of the trophy awarded to the Interactors for their second place float entry in the London Bridge Days Parade Saturday, October 25. Cindy was proud of the enthusiastic support shown by all the Interact members as well as members of all three local Rotary Clubs in the project. |
London Bridge Days Parade 2014Rotarians, Mel DeLuca and Gary Gray are shown ready to sell coins to the public and deliver coin inventory to their fellow-Rotarians working the crowd attending the London Bridge Days Parade October 25, 2014 in Lake Havasu. |
Coin Sales TrainingPast President, Gary Hettick, who has historically been the club's top coin sales person provided members with tips on how to sell the 44th coin in the London Bridge Rotary Club's commemorative coin series when it is introduced to the public at the London Bridge Days Parade Saturday, October 25, 2014 |
Honoring Educators |
Capturing Kids Hearts highlighted at April 9 meetingTami Roth and Mike Murray, principals of Nautilus Elementary and Starline Elementary Schools in Lake Havasu with the help of students, Galen and Cole, students at Starline, shared highlights of the benefits of the Capturing Kids Hearts program. London Bridge Rotary Club has supported this program since it was introduced at Thunderbolt Middle School a few years ago. |
Club Tours Romer Beverage for April 2 Meeting![]() London Bridge Rotary Club members had a "brown bag" lunch at the Romer Beverage Distribution Facility near the airport. Our club has a brown bag lunch to tour local business facilities occasionally. The tradition serves two purposes:
The third purpose is to make sure we are serious about having fun as Rotarians! |
36th Annual London Bridge Rotary Invitational Track Meet![]() Visitors to Lake Havasu were treated to a perfect spring day on Arizona's West Coast as they watched high school athletes compete in this annual event. London Bridge Rotarians, family members, former members, and friends of Rotary turn out to fill the numerous volunteer positions making the event possible. Rotarians Phil Hatch and Tom Kirchner served as co-chairs. Kevin Shepardson of Lake Havasu Sunrise Rotary Club served as the event announcer. Lakeside Physical Therapy provided services to support the athletes, and Assistant Governor, Doug Browning, a member of Lake Havasu City Rotary helped out.
Family of RotarySignificant life events touch all of us, and I want to thank Lisa Fuhrman for doing a great job of keeping us abreast of things that are happening in the lives of our fellow Rotarians this year. Our club recently lost a fellow-Rotarian, Dave Vedder. Dave joined our club in 1991. He quietly served our club. He and his family have generously allowed our club to warehouse our coin inventory in their business location. The saddest thing to me as I listened to his friends and family talk about their special memories at his memorial service was that I had not taken the time to get to really get to know Dave on a personal level during this lifetime. I missed the opportunity to know about the things that gave him joy, caused some laughable frustration, and see what an inspiration he was to those closest to him. Lisa can keep us informed, but the lesson I have learned is that if I am to be the kind of Rotary friend I want to be, it is up to me to reach out and really get to know my fellow-Rotarians and truly show I care while I still have the opportunity. Jeanie
More March 12 Meeting Highlights![]() Rhonda Merrill filled in for Liney Chako, presenting highlights of the Child Rescue Program the Chakos are involved with in Cambodia. Information about David and Liney Chako, founders of the program can be found on their website: |
March 12 Meeting Highlights![]() Dustin Steele tells of new Interact Club being formed at Havasu Preparatory Academy. Organizational Meeting for parents to be held at 3:00 Thursday, March 13 at 3:00 PM. Dustin invited interested club members to attend the meeting to show their support. |
Proud School Superintendent Presents Students of the Month![]() |
Balloon Festival Proceeds Distributed - LBR Receives $30,000![]() |
Annual Harley Raffle Winner![]() Mitch Emerson purchased the winning ticket for this year’s Harley Raffle. Through some finalist bartering, he actually shared the winning ticket with another attendee, and that individual was the big winner—she also won the 50/50 drawing.
Mel Deluca Celebrated his 90th Birthday at March 5 Club Meeting![]() Private Mel Deluca received a kiss and a coin from Major General Cindy Kirkland, Ret., as the club helped him celebrate his 90th birthday! He reminded the club of his desire to have one of our commemorative coins dedicated to The Greatest Generation.
Open World Delegation from Russia visits Lake HavasuGary and Dr. Pam Meyers and Jeanie Morgan, met with the Open World delegation from Russia at The Refuge Monday afternoon. The delegation is being hosted by the Kingman Route 66 Rotary Club. Gary’s impression:
First, it was refreshing to hear that some of the personal economic and social challenges that the Russians experience are so very similar to our own.
Second, it appears that they share the same concerns and difficulties of young people in the work force. Rapidly changing economic times makes it difficult finding long term gainful employment in each of our nations. Questions of how to efficiently match up career education with potential employers is a perennial problem.
Third, it was interesting to hear that they have few, if any, qualms about trying to be “politically correct” in the equal treatment of the sexes. Boys are encouraged to do “manly things” such as learning the military ways of the traditional “Cossacks”, and the young women are happy to be excluded from these youth training camps!
Fourth, the journalist seemed quite adamant about explaining Russia’s new efforts to allow all journalists and reporters far more freedom to report whatever they believe is worth reporting. The “old days” of state controlled media are fading fast… at least that was her opinion.
Finally, if Russia wanted to impress Americans with a very professional and attractive group of female representatives, they were successful.
Adopt-A-Family Program is Celebrated at February 26 Meeting![]() At the February 26 club meeting, Adopt-A-Family Chairperson, Lisa Fuhrman, showcased the club's adopt-a-family program. She described the screening process, which has been coordinated by Julie Feist of the Salvation Army for the past few years. The process allows our shoppers to get to know the families they will be shopping for, which allows a much greater and more sensitive approach to filling the needs of each individual in each family. Managers of JCPenney and WalMart were recognized for making the shopping process as efficient as possible, and for discounting the merchandise purchased maximizing the help each family was provided. Lisa also explained that each family is given gift cards for grocery shores and KMart or WalMart so the family can purchase necessities that may not be in their budget. President, Jerry Ernst, Doreen Bloomer, and Thom Felke each shared their memories of their experiences. A common theme was the heartfelt appreciation shown. Larry Feist presented a plaque from Salvation Army to celebrate the success of the program. |
London Bridge Rotary Poster Celebrating 100 Years of Rotary in ArizonaOn March 1, 2014, Arizona’s oldest clubs and all three Arizona districts celebrated 100 years of Rotary in our state.
The history of Phoenix Rotary 100 is, in many ways, the history of Phoenix. Members have included mayors and governors, senators and members of Congress, state legislators, judges and community leaders of all types, a veritable Who's Who for Arizona and Phoenix. Phoenix Rotary 100 has been an instrumental leader and partner in dozens of major community projects over its first 100 years. As Phoenix and Arizona have grown, so has Rotary in Arizona. From that initial Club 100 and its 32 members, today, Rotary in the Grand Canyon State boasts over 120 clubs and more than 3,000 members.
There is much to be proud of as Phoenix Rotary 100 celebrates its 100th year, starting a long commitment to Service Above Self. |
Major General Cynthia Kirkland (Ret) to Speak at March 5 MeetingWe are posting a preview of the biographical information about our March 5 guest speaker. By having this information as a preview of what is in store for us that day, we thought some of our London Bridge Rotarians might plan to invite their spouse or other guest to the meeting
Major General Cynthia N. Kirkland retired as the Adjutant General (TAG) for the State of Nevada in June 2009. As Adjutant General, she was the military Chief of Staff to the Governor and was responsible for both the federal and state missions of the Nevada National Guard. General Kirkland commanded more than 4,000 members of the Nevada Air and Army National Guard, including the Nevada Air National Guard's 152nd Airlift Wing, 152 Operational Support Flight and 152nd Intelligence Squadron and the Nevada Army Guard's armor, aviation and signal battalions, a medical detachment, a medium truck company, a heavy equipment maintenance company and the 72nd Military Police Company. (click on the headline of this article to get the balance of her resume)
Bullhead City Soccer League Donation![]() County Supervisor, Steven Moss, of Bullhead City receives donation to soccer league in his community as thanks for the league's coin purchase program and his help with LBR Parade Day sales last October
Gift of Life-AZ Update |