Following is an e-mail sent earlier this week by our Club President, Lois:
I wanted to share with you an email received by our Inbound Rotary Exchange Student's parents.  They seem like great people, and are excited about Uzma's journey to Lake Havasu City.  HUGE THANK YOU to Carlos and Debra Ruiz for picking her up in Phoenix and taking her in.  
Dear Rotarians and Friends,
Good Day !!!
I am glad to inform that my daughter Uzma, a long term exchange student from our District 3040 to District 5490 Arizona, will leave Ratlam on the 20th of July (early morning at 0050 hrs) by August Kranti Rajdhani Train for Mumbai.
She will board the American Airlines flight AA6658 from Mumbai at 0155hrs on the 21st of July to reach Heathrow at 0700 hrs. Another American Airlines flight AA6138 from Heathrow at 0830 hrs will take her to New York where she lands at 1105 hrs local time and finally, American Airlines flight AA1324 from New York at 1330 hrs will, God willing, take her to  Phoenix at 1546 hrs ( 21st of July), in the loving and caring arms of her host parents Debra and Carlos.
Thank you, the Rotarians and the office bearers of RI Distt.3040 and 5490  and the entire IYE fraternity for giving this opportunity to Uzma. A special thanks and gratitude to Debra and Carlos for taking her in their loving care. Heartfelt thanks to Lake Havasu High School for accepting Uzma in the school.
Warm regards and much love,
Sakina and Anwar