Paul Harris Recognition at June 22 Meeting
Recognition was given to Roger Johnson and Tom Kirchner at the June 22 meeting for each achieving the Paul Harris Plus 2 Level of giving to The Rotary Foundation. Cindy Dione assisted with pinning their recognition pins.
Gail Malay was recognized as a first time Paul Harris Fellow. Gail took advantage of the club's standing offer to match the first $500 of giving by transferring an additional $500 in recognition points so she could achieve this level of recognition.
Much to her surprise, Cindy Dione was also recognized as a first time Paul Harris Fellow.
She received this recognition as a result of recognition points transferred by Jerry Ernst. Recognizing all the good accomplished in our world through The Rotary Foundation, Jerry accepted the challenge to not be limited to the "Every Rotarian Every Year" (EREY) goal of $100 per member per year to give at a higher level. With his accumulated recognition points, he wanted to honor someone in our club who has exemplified the Rotary motto of "Service Above Self." Jerry was not present for this recognition, but asked that it be given in his absence.