Open World Delegation from Russia visits Lake Havasu
Gary and Dr. Pam Meyers and Jeanie Morgan, met with the Open World delegation from Russia at The Refuge Monday afternoon. The delegation is being hosted by the Kingman Route 66 Rotary Club. Gary’s impression:
First, it was refreshing to hear that some of the personal economic and social challenges that the Russians experience are so very similar to our own.
Second, it appears that they share the same concerns and difficulties of young people in the work force. Rapidly changing economic times makes it difficult finding long term gainful employment in each of our nations. Questions of how to efficiently match up career education with potential employers is a perennial problem.
Third, it was interesting to hear that they have few, if any, qualms about trying to be “politically correct” in the equal treatment of the sexes. Boys are encouraged to do “manly things” such as learning the military ways of the traditional “Cossacks”, and the young women are happy to be excluded from these youth training camps!
Fourth, the journalist seemed quite adamant about explaining Russia’s new efforts to allow all journalists and reporters far more freedom to report whatever they believe is worth reporting. The “old days” of state controlled media are fading fast… at least that was her opinion.
Finally, if Russia wanted to impress Americans with a very professional and attractive group of female representatives, they were successful.