Highlights of November 11 Meeting
Lisa Fuhrman made a plea for help with Adopt-A-Family shopping.
Jerry Ernst told about his responsibilities as Investment Committee Chair, and tried to make it sound like it would be fun to serve on that committee.
Jeanie Morgan presented some information about The Rotary Foundation and encouraged members to consider giving more than the goal of $100 per member per year as well as the option of giving through "Rotary Direct" where the donation is immediately credited to the donors account rather than being billed, collected, and transferred through our club.
There were some good Happy Bucks stories and fun during the Sgt at Arms program.
A highlight of the day was the naming of three new Rick Stephens fellows: Ann Ernst, Dr. Pam Meyers, and our largest donor, Roger Fosseen, who has challenged our club members to be more generous locally and through The Rotary Foundation giving.