Courtney's Memories from Six Weeks in London
I find it difficult to arrive upon the proper words to explain the experiences I encountered this summer while living and studying in London. I find it even more difficult to begin recounting all of the wonderful memories that have risen from these past six weeks.
Arriving in London, I was overwhelmed and excited by everything. Even something as simple as starting the journey to Alexander Flemming Hall with the driver from the airport, I found myself heading for the front seat on the right side of the vehicle only to be startled by the site of a steering wheel. Upon arrive at the hall, the accommodations were wonderful in and of themselves, and became even better once we familiarized ourselves with the neighboring community of Hoxton and our neighboring international students. The opportunity to meet students from across the world is what made the experience in London so rich. Through the residence hall and through the coursework, I met individuals from Iceland, Romania, Russia, Austria, Spain, Germany, Columbia, Italy and a myriad of other countries.
London Metropolitan University had a style all its own. Situated in a different part of London, the buildings were representative of the history of the city. The Roman walls bordering the City of London brought an immediate sense of historical background the roads we were walking every day. The coursework itself was fast paced and interesting and the instructors engaged the students in the coursework as much as they did in the
history of their country. The marketing class enabled me to view the discipline in a much larger cross-cultural perspective than I would be able to in the United States.
I feel as though I grew throughout my time in London, with each and every opportunity and experience forcing me to be reflective of myself. At home, I find myself working multiple jobs, studying full-time, volunteering excessively and finding very little time for myself. In London, it was a time for Courtney. A time for me to leave behind the stresses and business of daily life and explore and experience things as they arose, not worrying about the things I often find myself bogged down with in daily life in America. I continued my journey after four weeks in London and traveled to Paris, France and Barcelona, Spain. The cultures in each of these, while distinct from each other, were strikingly but refreshingly different from that of the United States. I feel as though I have a different perspective on life in general as a result of my travels. Overseas, emphasis is placed on personal growth, family, community and life. I endeavor to attain that same emphasis in my own life, while understanding and appreciating the fact that it was a result of this opportunity through COLAET and the individuals I met along the way that I have come to understand these things.
In all honesty, there is absolutely nothing I would change about the program. Organizationally, I felt as though I was prepared for everything that I encountered while in London and am truly grateful to all individuals involved for making this opportunity one that few will experience in their lifetime.